the above-named scenario produces two very precise outcomes, each totally different from the other. I'm sure you can imagine: utter elation (obviously it is your team that just ran for the touchdown) or utter despair (your team ALMOST had the touchdown which is probably worse than having no hope of a touchdown at all. ... Whether we have witnessed this in person or seen it on TV, almost everyone can relate to this severe dichotomy of emotions.
Such has been my own experience. Friday ended the fourth week of school, and on Friday, despite a shaky Monday, I came home feeling pretty good-- Finally, I had gotten then hang of the way things were going to be... I'm getting to know the kids, I'm getting in a routine, etc. Touchdown.
Today, my team-teacher skipped out on my 2nd class which sucked b/c these kids are really difficult, and any disruption of the routine is a bad thing. So a kid tried to test the waters and the principal had to be called. Turns out, the teacher decided this morning that he needed to get his car fixed without telling anyone. piss. So then my 3rd class was hellacious during their lab, then in my 4th class, I found out that the team teacher I've had with me in this class since the beginning of the year is no longer going to be with me-- not entirely bad because she was no good-- and that I would have a different lady for half the class only-- this is really bad because THIS teacher is the absolute worst ever-- she mumbles, has bad posture, and perpetually looks like her aunt just died. Interception.
Tonight, I sat down to grade some papers and check my email, at which time I figured out I will have to attend 6 two-hour classes for new teachers in the months of October and November. 4:00-6:00pm. these classes are ones I could probably teach, definitely not going to be beneficial. Touchdown (other team)
Obviously, I have left out a good deal of details, but... you get the point....
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